Old Hall of Lincoln’s Inn, WC2A 3TL on Monday 24th September 2018, 1800 – 2200
The Ethical and Spiritual Development Panel and the Government Panel of the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists, together with the Real Time Club, are sponsoring a Debate on the topical motion “Technology is the Enemy of Democracy”.
Refreshments with wine, soft drinks and canapés will be served from 1800. The debate will start at 1900.
Lord Dyson QC, former Master of the Rolls has kindly agreed to chair the debate.
The Speakers
For the motion
Proposed by Jamie Bartlett, of Demos, author of The People Vs Tech: How the internet is killing democracy (and how we save it).
Seconded by Matthew Lavy, Barrister specialising in information technology, of 4 Pump Court chambers.
Against the motion
Opposed by Nigel Crook, Professor of Ethical AI and Robotics, Oxford Brookes University.
Seconded by Graham Taylor, Chairman of Open Forum Europe.
There will be two speakers for the motion and two against, followed by speeches and questions from the floor. The Opposer and Proposer will sum-up and the debate will be gauged by a show of hands.
NB: Places are limited to 150 guests – we expect a very high turnout so to aviod disappointment book your tickets early!