*** Due to circumstances beyond our control the date for this event has changed to Tuesday, 28th May 2019 ***
Is adding ’empathy’ into Artificial Intelligence the secret ingredient to digital transformation, customer centricity, digital ethics and diversity?
In this talk, Minter Dial will recount how a bot got in the way of a romantic evening with his wife, what it means to be empathic as leaders, and why cognitive empathy can solve so many issues in business and start-ups, including how to unleash AI and AGI, giving heartificial empathy to heartificial intelligence.
The leading author in this field, Minter Dial, will speak on the future of empathy in AI and AGI, to hear of a better future through better AI, to be inspired, informed and involved.
Everyone who participates in this dinner will receive a gift from your Chair – a signed copy of Minter’s new book ‘Heartificial Empathy: Putting Heart into Business and Artificial Intelligence’
About our speaker: Minter Dial
Minter Dial is a storyteller, filmmaker, two-time author and an international professional speaker. In particular, Minter is author and producer of the award-winning WWII documentary film and book, The Last Ring Home (2016). The book won the Book Excellence Award 2018 in the category of Biography.
His second book, ‘Futureproof, how to get your business ready for the next’, co-authored with Caleb Storkey, wowed readers in 2017 and won the Business Book Award 2018 in the category of Embracing Change.
His latest book, ‘Heartificial Empathy, Putting Heart into Business and Artificial Intelligence’ came out in November 2018.
Founder of The Myndset Co. and then of the DigitalProof Consultancy, Minter speaks and consults on Branding, New Tech and Digital Transformation, working with major global brands, such as Samsung, Remy Cointreau, Kering and Tencent.
Prior to setting up his own ventures, Minter led a 16-year international career with the L’Oréal Group – including 9 different assignments in France, England, USA and Canada. Among these, Minter was MD Worldwide of REDKEN, then of the Professional Division for the Canadian subsidiary. In his final position at L’Oreal, he was a member of the Executive Committee worldwide, in charge of eBusiness, Business Development and Education.