IT’s their future – IT’s our present
How Young Rewired State is coding a better country through developing young programmers
We at the Real Time Club believe passionately that the future of this country lies in exploitation of information technology based products, and that more must be done to help young people develop the necessary expertise.
Earlier this year the Real Time Club supported Young Rewired State at their “2012 Festival of Code” by sponsoring promotional videos of the event. The 2012 Festival of Code, held at the Custard Factory in Birmingham , attracted more than 600 young programmers – aged between 7 and 18 – from across the UK, and was celebrated in a weekend of show-casing the prototype apps and hacks they’d built during the previous week. Real Time Clubbers were there – it was astounding and very encouraging! We’ll show you the video and Emma Mulqueeny, founder of Rewired State and Young Rewired State, will explain what has happened since and what the plans are to find and mentor every child in the UK who is driven to teach themselves how to program. A couple of the young programmers will showcase what they’ve built, will be answering your questions and, no doubt, teaching us all a thing or two about programming.
Emma Mulqueeny
Emma is the founder of Rewired State and Young Rewired State: Coding a better country.
Rewired State is the largest independent developer network in the UK with over 800 software developers and designers, bringing about digital innovation and revolution through rapid prototyping events (hack days).
Young Rewired State is Rewired State’s philanthropic arm and is the only developer network of young UK programmers aged 18 and under who have taught themselves how to code. Both networks work together to prototype solutions to real world problems.
Emma has recently been voted onto the Wired 100 list, writes regularly for the Guardian, the Telegraph, her own blog and is best known for her campaign to ‘Teach our kids to code’, relentlessly pushing the potential of the UK digital industry.